

Time doesn’t slow down or stop for anyone/anything.

Lately, I’ve been struggling with time; not trying to be on a schedule or running late, not basic time issues. But real time issues.

Life doesn’t give us an option, it doesn’t let us decide if we want to live in a moment forever or keep on moving. Sometimes I love that about time, some moments I never want to stay in. But there are some moments I wish would slow down, not even really stop.

My sister is getting married in forty something days, she moves out even sooner. My sister has moved out before – let me give you a little back story. When my sister was in her second year of college she decided it would be best to move to The University of West Alabama to contain her studies, which meant goodbye roommate. I was going through one of the hardest times in my life and my sister moved three hours away – I was angry. I remember my mom leaving to go help my sister unpack and get her dorm straightened up and I refused to go, but I never let anyone know how mad I was. NOW, my sister is only moving thirty minutes away and I will probably be at her house half of the time, so we’re off to a good start. But time is flying.

If we were stuck in a moment forever would we become angry or frustrated, or would we even notice? My speech teacher told us last week we miss out on half of the world everyday just by not noticing what is around us. We tend to focus on what we have to do, or where we are going that we don’t stop and take in the world. If we were stuck in a moment life would be so boring. But why can’t it just slow down?

So many changes are happening right now in my life and I haven’t even realized it until I was laying in my floor the other night and began to burst into tears – life finally caught up to me, I finally seen the world around me. Do you ever try to push things to the bottom of your memory just so you don’t have to face them at that moment? I am the world’s BEST at this, until it all catches up to you at the same time.

No matter how much you want life to slow down, or stop time, it doesn’t – it never will. So take a look around you, notice the world, because you will never get this exact moment back. Time can either be on your side or your worst enemy, but don’t live too long in one moment – life was never intended to last forever.



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